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R-co Valor

(*) Inactive share

Diversified Range : Valor Region : World EUR
Morningstar Rating™
as of 31/01/2024

Net Asset Value

3197.19 €


AUM (fund)

4858.8 M €



+7.98 %

(YTD) (28/06/2024)

Recommended investment horizon

5 years

Risk scale


Investment objective

The objective of R-co Valor is to seek performance, by investing mainly in global equity and fixed income markets, through the implementation of discretionary management based in particular on the selection of financial instruments based on the financial analysis of issuers.

Change in Net Asset Value

Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Performance by calendar year

This chart shows the fund’s performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 10 years against its benchmark. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past and compare it to its benchmark
Inception date of the unit/share : 03/10/2012
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past. Performance is shown after deduction of ongoing charges. Any entry and exit charges are excluded from the calculation.
* This UCITS was created in 2012 when it was spun off from the R VALOR SICAV. Furthermore, the performances shown here take into account the performance history of the spun off SICAV of the same name on 3 October 2012, as the two UCITS had similar characteristics at that time.

Performance as of 28/06/2024

Cumulative performance Annualised performance
10 years 5 years 3 years 1 year YTD 1 month 10 years 5 years 3 years
115.62% 43.78% 11.55% 11.95% 7.98% -1.02% 7.98% 7.52% 3.71%
Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Risk indicators as of 28/06/2024

Volatility Tracking-error Information ratio Sharpe ratio
1 year 9.47% 0.8698
3 years 13.22% 0.1414



May was positive overall for the global stock markets, with several marketplaces showing gains. In Europe, the Euro Stoxx 50 gained +2.6%* (+10.2% YTD*), while in the United States, the S&P 500 posted a solid performance of +4.8%* (+10.6% YTD*). Hong Kong continued its upward momentum with a rise of +1.8%* (+6.1% YTD*), marking its fourth consecutive month of gains. Annual inflation in the US fell to 3.4% from 3.5% in April, thanks to stable food prices and a slight decline in housing costs. In the Eurozone, inflation accelerated to 2.6%* from 2.4%* in April, mainly due to higher services costs. However, the ECB is expected to announce its first interest rate cut in eight years in early June. In the US, the situation remains far from the Fed’s 2% target, and the consensus is predicting, without much certainty, a first cut in key rates in September. However, due to the continued resilience of the US economy, some support is emerging for the scenario of no cuts in 2024. In China, the government announced new measures to support its real estate sector. This is the first national property purchase programme since the start of the crisis in 2021. Confidence could return if the government is perceived as the buyer of last resort, similar to the US Troubled Asset Relief Program. The plan notably includes reducing the minimum contribution required to 15% for a first property purchase. Local authorities can also ask public companies to buy unsold apartments to convert them into social housing. The Chinese central bank has put in place a €39 billion lending facility, enabling potential bank financing of €67 billion for these purchases. The housing crisis continues to weigh on the Chinese economy in an environment where 96% of households own at least one home, and a third own at least two.
R-co Valor gained 1.9% in May (C share), bringing its year-to-date performance to +9.1%. The fund benefited from its exposure to industrial stocks and more specifically from the rebound of Alstom and Bombardier. The first was driven by the progress in its deleveraging plan; the second was by its investor day at the beginning of the month, followed by a buy recommendation by Bank of America. Conversely, energy stood out as the worst contributor, affected by concerns about global demand. In May, the equity portion of the fund remained relatively stable at 68.3%. However, transactions were made. In terms of purchases, US railroad company Union Pacific was increased on weakness. Indeed, since the beginning of the year, the rail sector has been confronted with a sluggish freight environment and moderate volume growth. At the same time, we continued to build our holding in Grab, a Singaporean company operating in the Asia-Pacific region specialising in transport of persons and food delivery. Lastly, among sales, we continued to make gains by reducing our position in online travel agency Trip.com after a +43% year-to-date performance.

Summary Risk Indicator

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Lower risk
Higher risk


Yoann Ignatiew

General Partner, Global Equities Portfolio Manager

See biography

Charles-Edouard Bilbault

Global Equities Portfolio Manager

See biography


  • ISIN code : FR0011253624
  • Legal form : SICAV
  • AMF Classification : No AMF Classification
  • Inception date : 03/10/2012
  • Management company : Rothschild & Co Asset Management
  • Custodian : Rothschild Martin Maurel
  • Dividend Policy : Accumulation
  • Reference indicator : None
  • Valuation : Daily
  • Latest time for subscriptions-redemptions : 4:00pm
  • Applicable Net Asset Value : Next working day NAV
  • Settlement (Settlement date) : NAV + 2
  • Minimum initial subscription : 0 EUR
  • Subsequent subscriptions : 1/10000th equities
  • Management fees (maximum) : 1.45%
  • Entry fee (maximum) : 3%
  • Exit fee (maximum) : None
  • Performance fee : None
