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R-co Sentinel

Diversified Range : OPAL Region : World EUR

Net Asset Value

106.80 €


AUM (fund)

3.6 M €



+3.14 %

(YTD) (28/06/2024)

Recommended investment horizon

5 years

Risk scale


Change in Net Asset Value

Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Performance as of 28/06/2024

Cumulative performance Annualised performance
10 years 5 years 3 years 1 year YTD 1 month 10 years 5 years 3 years
7.73% 3.14% -0.37%
11.15% 5.58% 2.00%
R-co Sentinel C EUR
(40% MSCI World NTR EUR) + (40% JPMorgan GBI EMU) + (20% ESTR OIS European Central Bank)
Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Risk indicators as of 28/06/2024

Volatility Ratios
Fund Reference index Tracking-error Information ratio Sharpe ratio
1 year 4.29% 5.35% 3.01% -1.1581 0.9267

Summary Risk Indicator

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Lower risk
Higher risk


Marc Terras

Head of Open Architecture

See biography

Thomas Ayache

Open Architecture Portfolio Manager

See biography


  • ISIN code : FR001400DVT9
  • Legal form : Unit Trust
  • AMF Classification : No AMF Classification
  • Inception date : 24/01/2023
  • Management company : Rothschild & Co Asset Management
  • Custodian : Caceis Bank
  • Dividend Policy : Accumulation
  • Reference indicator : (40% MSCI World NTR EUR) + (40% JPMorgan GBI EMU) + (20% ESTR OIS European Central Bank)
  • Valuation : Daily
  • Latest time for subscriptions-redemptions : 12:00pm
  • Applicable Net Asset Value : Next working day NAV
  • Settlement (Settlement date) : NAV + 3
  • Minimum initial subscription : 1 share(s)
  • Subsequent subscriptions : 1/10000th share(s)
  • Management fees (maximum) : 1.6%
  • Entry fee (maximum) : 2%
  • Exit fee (maximum) : None
  • Performance fee : None
