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R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro

Equity Range : Conviction Region : Euro zone EUR

Net Asset Value

226.38 €


AUM (fund)

711.7 M €



+4.53 %

(YTD) (12/07/2024)

Recommended investment horizon

5 years

Risk scale


Investment objective

The management objective of R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro is to obtain performance greater than the EURO STOXX® index by having a constant exposure of a minimum of 70% of its assets in equities issued on one or more markets of the eurozone and possibly of countries of Eastern Europe within a maximum limit of 10%.

Change in Net Asset Value

Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Performance by calendar year

This chart shows the fund’s performance as the percentage loss or gain per year over the last 10 years against its benchmark. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past and compare it to its benchmark
Inception date of the unit/share : 22/11/2019
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Markets could develop very differently in the future. It can help you to assess how the fund has been managed in the past. Performance is shown after deduction of ongoing charges. Any entry and exit charges are excluded from the calculation.
* The Fund’s performance is calculated with net coupons reinvested. Conversely, that of the benchmark does not take into account revenue distributed prior to 31/12/2012. Benchmark since 31/12/2012: Euro Stoxx ® DR. This sub-fund of the SICAV resulted from the merger by absorption of the R-co Conviction Euro FCP on 22/11/2019. F EUR units of the FCP were created on 28/09/2009 and became F EUR shares of this sub-fund.

Performance as of 12/07/2024

Cumulative performance Annualised performance
10 years 5 years 3 years 1 year YTD 1 month 10 years 5 years 3 years
42.84% 34.28% 17.21% 9.33% 4.53% 0.08% 3.63% 6.07% 5.43%
104.70% 52.62% 21.97% 15.60% 11.49% 0.07% 7.42% 8.81% 6.84%
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro F EUR
100% Euro Stoxx ® NR
Past performance does not indicate future performance, and is not constant over time. Performance indicated is net of fees, calculated in the reference currency of the unit.

Risk indicators as of 12/07/2024

Volatility Ratios
Fund Reference index Tracking-error Information ratio Sharpe ratio
1 year 12.15% 11.64% 5.12% -1.1644 0.411
3 years 17.59% 15.87% 6.69% -0.1722 0.2561



The MSCI World continued to record highs in June on hopes that the Fed could make a first rate cut in September thanks to the drop in inflation and the first signs of an economic slowdown in the US. At its June monetary committee meeting, the Fed left its key rates unchanged for the 7th time in a row, justifying this decision by raising inflation forecasts. The monetary committee’s median projections now point to only one rate cut in 2024 compared to three at the March meeting. However, the publication after the Fed’s meeting of the lowest Core PCE since March 2021 at 2.60% year-on-year opened the door to a possible second rate cut before the end of the year. Despite financing costs remaining at their highest levels in 20 years, the US economy remains robust, as reflected by the rise in the ISM services index, continued job creation and strong retail sales thanks to the wealth effect. However, the confidence of US households is deteriorating due to concerns about their future financial situation linked to the persistent inflation, high interest rates and a rebalancing labour market. In the eurozone, the ECB, which considered that “it is now appropriate to moderate the degree of monetary policy restriction”, unsurprisingly made an initial rate cut at the beginning of the month despite upward revisions to inflation forecasts. Considering that inflation has not yet been defeated, the bank still advocates maintaining a restrictive policy for the rest of 2024. The latest data in the eurozone fell short of expectations, nevertheless reinforcing the hope of further rate cuts by the end of the year. The MSCI World TR gained a further 3.35% in euros this month and has risen 15.18% since the beginning of the year, the best first half since June 2021, thanks again to US equities, which reached new records. The S&P 500 TR and the Nasdaq TR rose by 4.85% and 7.33%, respectively. in € during the month, still driven by the “Magnificent 7”, which gained another 11.01% (Bloomberg Magnificent 7 TR) despite the start of consolidation at the end of the month for the Nvidia share. Eurozone equities lost 2.72% over the month (Euro Stoxx TR), mainly due to the 6.42% drop in the CAC 40, the worst month since June 2021. This underperformance was due to President Macron’s unexpected decision to call legislative elections in the wake of the results of the European elections, the outcome of which could have harmful economic consequences in view of the programmes of the rival extreme parties. The cyclical sectors suffered particularly in June, as illustrated by the respective declines of -9.22% and -6.78% in materials and banks, while the defensive sectors limited their decline: healthcare -1.60% and telecoms -1.03%. Reflecting fears of a further deterioration in public finances regardless of the future majority, French 10-year yields rose to 3.30% at the end of the month, and especially the spread to the German 10-year Bund jumped by 35bp to 82bp on 27 June, a level not seen since 2012. Despite the 16bp drop in the 10-year Bund, eurozone sovereign bonds lost 1.58% over the month (iBoxx Eur Sovereign) and are now lagging 2.13% from the beginning of the year.
Against this backdrop, the fund underperformed its benchmark index over the month, impacted by its underexposure to the technology sector, but above all by its overexposure to French stocks, which suffered from the political environment in many sectors (banks, utilities and automotive in particular).

Summary Risk Indicator

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Lower risk
Higher risk


Anthony Bailly

European Equities Portfolio Manager

See biography

Vincent Imeneuraet

European Equities Portfolio Manager

See biography


  • ISIN code : FR0010807099
  • Legal form : SICAV
  • AMF Classification : Eurozone equities
  • Inception date : 22/11/2019
  • Management company : Rothschild & Co Asset Management
  • Custodian : Rothschild Martin Maurel
  • Dividend Policy : Accumulation
  • Reference indicator : 100% Euro Stoxx ® NR
  • Valuation : Daily
  • Latest time for subscriptions-redemptions : 12:00pm
  • Applicable Net Asset Value : Next NAV
  • Settlement (Settlement date) : NAV + 2
  • Minimum initial subscription : 1 equities
  • Subsequent subscriptions : 1/10000th equities
  • Management fees (maximum) : 1.9%
  • Entry fee (maximum) : 3%
  • Exit fee (maximum) : None
  • Performance fee : 15% above [100% Euro Stoxx ® NR]
