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You have just logged into the website www.am.eu.rothschildandco.com, which is published by Rothschild & Co Asset Management.

Legal name: Rothschild & Co Asset Management, a portfolio management company certified by the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) under number GP-17000014, and constituted in the form of a société in commandite simple [a limited partnership] with authorised capital of EUR 1,818,181.89, and entered into the Paris Registry of Trade and Companies under number 824 540 173 RCS Paris.

Registered office: 29, avenue de Messine; 75008 Paris, France.

Website editor: Pierre Baudard. Contact: +33 1 40 74 40 74.

This website is hosted by Datacross.

In accessing the website www.am.eu.rothschildandco.com (the “Website”), you thereby agree to be legally bound by the followings terms and conditions.

Access to the Website

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Purpose of the Website

Rothschild & Co Asset Management has opened this Website for its clients’ information. The information contained on www.am.eu.rothschildandco.com is of a strictly informative nature and constitutes neither an offer of products or services that may be construed as an appeal to public savings, nor any prospection activity or solicitation to buy or sell financial securities or any other management or investment product, nor encouragement or advise to make any investment in, or to switch investments in, financial securities or any other management or investment product.

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In particular, keep in mind that, pursuant to the US Securities Act of 1933 as amended (“Securities Act of 1933”), units or shares of the aforementioned mutual funds are not, and will not be, registered in the United States of America, or admitted by virtue of any law of the United States of America. Such units or shares may be neither offered, sold or transferred to the United States of America (including its territories and possessions), nor benefit directly or indirectly a US Person (as defined by Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933) and similar (as covered by the US “HIRE” Act of 18 March 2010 and by the FATCA mechanism).

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Rothschild & Co Asset Management strives to ensure that information disseminated on this Website is accurate and up to date. It reserves the right to rectify the content contained herein at any time and without notice. However, it cannot guarantee that said content is exhaustive, nor that it has not been modified or infected by third party (through hacking or a virus). Furthermore, Rothschild & Co Asset Management declines any liability (direct or indirect) in the event of delays, errors or omissions in the content of these pages and for the use that may be made of them by any person, as well as in the event that the service is interrupted or unavailable, and offers no guarantee whatsoever as to the security of the Website or the absence on it of any virus or other intrusions (including in all Website items or in the information contained therein).

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Similarly, Rothschild & Co Asset Management may not be held liable for any factors beyond its control, nor for the damage that could be caused to your technical environment, in particular your computers, software, network equipment (e.g., modems, telephones, etc.) or any equipment used to assess the  service and/or the information contained therein.

Lastly, Rothschild & Co Asset Management does not guarantee, nor can it be held liable in any way for, the sequence, accuracy, lack of errors, truthfulness, timeliness, commercial fairness, quality, precision, the non-counterfeiting character, or the availability of information contained on this Website. 

Hypertext links

The Website may contain hypertext links providing access to outside websites, particularly websites of companies of the Rothschild & Co group in France and elsewhere and in particular the Rothschild & Co banking group. Such websites are not published by Rothschild & Co Asset Management and, accordingly, Rothschild & Co Asset Management may not be held liable for the content of websites to which users may thus have gained access.

Creation of hypertext links to the Website www.am.eu.rothschildandco.com are subject to the prior consent of the publisher.


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Personal data

Rothschild & Co Asset Management may compile information regarding you that has been uploaded during your viewing of this Website, particularly in online forms or questionnaires. Such information may also be subject to automated or manual processing.

Such data are meant exclusively for the informational purposes of the Communications Department of Rothschild & Co Asset Management, to allow users to benefit fully from the services offered by this Website.

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In accordance with applicable regulations, particularly Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, you have the right to access, to rectify, to erase and restrict the processing of such data, as well as the right to data portability.

You may also oppose at any time, at your own discretion, the processing of your personal data. Keep in mind that exercising some of these rights may make it impossible in some cases for Rothschild & Co Asset Management to provide certain products or services.

You may also, at any time and without fees and without having to justify your request, oppose the use of your data for commercial prospection purposes.

You may exercise your rights and also contact the personal data protection officer of Rothschild & Co Asset Management through your usual contact persons or by email to the following address: dpo@rothschildandco.com.

You may also file a claim with the National Commission on Electronic Rights and Freedoms (CNIL), the French public authority in charge of enforcing obligations in personal data. 

Applicable law

This Website is subject to French law. Any use that is made of it must comply with French law and shall be deemed to have occurred on French territory.